How Often Should I Exercise

exercise often
Physical fitness and overall well being is achieved when you exercise and eat balanced meals every single day. If you made the decision to make a complete lifestyle change to become healthier, it is imperative that you know how long you should be exercising.

Before you begin training, determine what your goals are. Working out is not just a decision you create on a whim. You have to plan it out, create a strategy and set goals. Building this framework will help you go through the expected challenges and succeed through the difficulties.

My Goal Is To Lose Weight

The health risks from obesity or being fat and overweight are not a secret. By simply carrying more body fat than normal, you already put yourself at risk of many weight-related health problems.

Weight loss is not an easy task. In fact, this is perhaps one of the most difficult goals when trying to become fit. If you truly want to lower down the numbers on your scale, you must not let your body settle on cardio exercises alone.

Strength training or muscle building is also vital in shedding those extra pounds. And when you throw in varying levels of difficulty through interval training, you keep your body in constant flux.

It is recommended by health experts that you exercise three to five days a week. For beginners, it is advised that you only aim for three days and one rest-day in between. This schedule helps you build your stamina and strength while losing weight without the worries of possible injuries or burnout.

When you start to feel more comfortable with your training, you can gradually increase the intensity and the number of days from three to five days a week.

My Goal Is To Build Muscle Mass

Once you feel more confident about exercising, you can now move on to strength training to build your muscle mass.

Many experts recommend that weight training or any resistance exercise should not be performed everyday. For every effort you exert, you actually create small tears in your muscle fibers. These micro-injuries need to recover and it would take approximately 24 to 48 hours for your muscles to completely heal and repair themselves.

If you are still at the beginning of your fitness routine, make sure to start at a lower intensity. Space out your weight training to give your fatigued muscles the chance to recuperate and fully recover. This will allow them to grow bigger and stronger.

Strength training should last for 45 minutes to an hour. Make sure that you incorporate this form of exercise 3 times a week, every other day. As muscles need time to build and grow, avoid targeting the same muscle groups for two sessions in a row.

Always remember to stretch out your muscles before and after for best results.

My Goal Is To Maintain A Healthy Weight And An Active Lifestyle

If you have achieved your fitness goal, the American Heart Association recommends 75 minutes of high-impact exercises and 150 minutes of moderate-impact exercises weekly to stay healthy.

Though it does not seem to be much, following this recommendation can already benefit you by reducing your cholesterol, normalize blood sugar levels, improve cardiovascular health, lessen the risk of chronic inflammation and elate your mood.

No matter what your age is, finding a routine that works for you is an easier way to stick to a healthy lifestyle. The trick in achieving top physical fitness is sticking to the routine you have created until you hit your goal.

Do not worry too much if you get side tracked. Falling behind is part of the process. Just stay focused and be conscious with your eating habits, sleeping patterns and exercise program. It will be difficult at the beginning, but soon enough, every activity will come to you as a breeze.

Why it is harder to stay fit when getting older

Aging can be rough on some people. As we get older, there are certain things that can become more difficult, and that includes weight loss. For some reason, the more we age, the more we grow our craving for food. And if we don’t take measures in controlling our weight as we age, consequences can be dire.

Losing weight can prevent us from high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, and many more age-related diseases. Yes, it is difficult to lose weight when you’re 30, all the more difficult when you reach 40. So if you are still in your 20s, you might as well take advantage of the time you have left and start living a healthy lifestyle.

Aging alone can cause weight gain. There are so many theories going around on the relationship between obesity and age, but most theories revolve on the person’s free radicals. To make things clearer, free radicals are molecules in your body that lost its paired electron, making the hydrogen bond of the molecule break.

This instability causes an imbalance with the molecules and makes them reactive to their environment, affecting other healthy, intact and paired molecules along the way. The Theory of Free-Radical states that aging is the result of free radicals in the body causing your body to lose its homeostasis and increase its vulnerability to certain pathogens that can make you sick.

To state this in the simplest way, free radicals are formed in the powerhouse of your cell called mitochondria. Mitochondria is responsible for producing ATP – the fuel of your body. When a free radical is formed in the mitochondria, it can’t perform its real task properly, and that is to give energy. This concludes the statement that you are aging due to the lack of energy your body provides.

Since your body is producing less energy, your metabolic rate drops. When this happens, everything else slows down, including your metabolism. The lack of energy makes you urge to eat more, but the body can’t burn off the excess fat so you simply accumulate more fat. When energy is interrupted in a cellular level, your brain reacts as well.

Brain activity starts to slow down a bit, inhibiting the release of important hormones that also promote optimal body function. If your goal today is to lose weight, you can fight occurring free-radicals in your body by neutralizing them with antioxidants.

Fighting free radicals can be done in as simple as making diet changes. Your body produces antioxidants naturally, but you can increase it by getting your source from the food you eat. Antioxidants are enzymes that fight free radicals. How exactly does it happen? Well, antioxidants will pair up to an unpaired electron. When this happens, the molecule will neutralize. Try EarthWell Turmeric Curcumin Extract if you need a supplement to help you with joint pain when you exercise too much.

Many studies have proved that you can increase your antioxidants by eating the right food. But today, it is quite difficult to get the right amount of antioxidants. As the selection of our diet grows with the availability and different choices of food in the market, you won’t get the right amount of antioxidants unless you choose to entirely quit on processed food.

But don’t get me wrong, antioxidants won’t make you lose weight. It will only support your weight loss by increasing hormone levels and accelerating metabolic rate.

Aging is not an obstacle to losing weight if you equip yourself with the right knowledge. By neutralizing free radicals, you can make your body very efficient, up to its cellular level. If you can’t get your antioxidants from your diet, supplementation is the answer. When this is done, you can get back to your exercise routine and see the difference on your weight loss progress.

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